Mixed Flowers Bouquet

Mixed Flowers Bouquet

A mixed Flower bouquet can use for many occasions such as birthday, anniversary, wedding, concerts or any other occasions. Our flower shop uses the main flowers of roses, lilies, gerberas, and carnation, etc. mixed with seasonal matching flowers. Normally it can be kept between 5 to 7 days at room temperature. If you want the flowers to be the last longer, please remember to replace the water of the vase every day and add a little fresh flower preservative, so the roses can be more brilliant and lasting.

One Dozen Bouquet with Red Lily

One Dozen Bouquet with Red Lily

One Dozen Elegant Roses Bouquet with a Red Lily ..


One Dozen Bouquet with Two Steams Red Tiger Lily

One Dozen Bouquet with Two Steams Red Tiger Lily

One Dozen Roses bouquet with Two Steam Red Tiger Lily beautifully arranged in Purple color papers..


One Dozen Pink Color Carnations Bouquet in Round Shape

One Dozen Pink Color Carnations Bouquet in Round Shape

A Bouquet with one dozen carnations in pink color with green and soft purple flowers decorate with p..


One Steam of Red Lily with Six Red and Six White Roses Bouquet

One Steam of Red Lily with Six Red and Six White Roses Bouquet

Six Roses Bouquet Beautifully arrange with fillers, It's not Simple !..


Orchid Bouquet Vase Bouquet

Orchid Bouquet Vase Bouquet

Orchid Bouquet..


Peony with Roses Bouquet

Peony with Roses Bouquet

10pcs Pink color peony with Half Dozen Dark Red Roses Beautifully wrapped in a Pink Paper with Pink ..


Ping Pong Flowers Bouquet

Ping Pong Flowers Bouquet

Four Ping Pong Flowers in white color with 4 Pink roses and 4 peach roses beautifully in round bouqu..


Pink Flowers Bouquet

Pink Flowers Bouquet

Pink Flowers Bouquet for a sweetly pink lady, One Pink Lily with four Pink colors gerberas beautiful..


Thailand Grade A Orchids Bouquet

Thailand Grade A Orchids Bouquet

Fresh Thailand Grade A Orchids in Purple and White Color, it is good for birthday flowers, anniversa..


Thailand Orchids Bouquet

Thailand Orchids Bouquet

A Bouquet of Thailand Orchids with Fillers beautifully wrapped with light brown and deep red color p..


Two Hydrangea Bouquet

Two Hydrangea Bouquet

Two different colors of Hydrangea with all Holland flowers nicely arrange a in round Bouquet ..


Showing 31 to 41 of 41 (3 Pages)

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18pcs PINK Roses Valentine Bouquet

18pcs PINK Roses Valentine Bouquet

18pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet ..

HK$499.00 HK$599.00

12pcs RED Roses Valentine Bouquet

12pcs RED Roses Valentine Bouquet

One Dozen RED Roses Valentine Bouquet ..

HK$480.00 HK$520.00

Thailand Grade A Orchids Bouquet

Thailand Grade A Orchids Bouquet

Fresh Thailand Grade A Orchids in Purple and White Color, it is good for birthday flowers, anniversa..


My Sweet Heart

My Sweet Heart

A Perfect Blue Hydrangea with one Doze Roses in Maria Pink Color, it is perfect for your dream lover..


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