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Color of Flowers
Different color of flowers have different meaning, to make sure that the recipient loves your flowers, please check what color of flowers she like and what color she don't like. if you not sure what color of flowers she like, try our pink rose bouquet for birthday or red rose birthday package for your wife birthday and sunflowers for congratulations, tulips for cheer-up and Cally Lily to make her smile.
Meaning of Flowers
Red Color
Flowers often regarded as the sole expression of love
Yellow color
Joy, friendship, Happiness, guidance, clarity
Pink Color
Happiness Grace Innocence indicate delicacy gentleness feminineness playfulness and indicate openness to lifes unlimited opportunities
White Color
Pure honesty fidelity thoughtfulness and perfection
Orange Color
Energy passion warmth fascination pride intense desire
Elegance, royalty, grace, youth
Champagne Color
Purity, special, indicates, demureness, innocence
Blue Color
Serenity, openness, partnership and andintimacy
Black Color
Power, death, mystery, only one, rejuvenation and rebirth
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18pcs PINK Roses Valentine Bouquet
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HK$499.00 HK$599.00
Thailand Grade A Orchids Bouquet
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